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Trânsito Escola


Living more and quality

1) Food: "come up with more eyes than a nutritional need." People eat for many reasons, but most of the time for pure pleasure. This pleasure is linked to an emotional framework: happiness, sorrow, status, prestige etc. So what is the difference between eating at home and eat in a restaurant? In the restaurant there are varieties (sauces, decoration etc.).
While at home - may take up different menus - for the preparation of creativity, the ingredients look. But between eating at a restaurant and at home is consistent with the mind - way of thinking - the very person. If you find that eating in a restaurant is the habit of eating the same food - and thus would be at home. Usually eat per pulse that can be according to the state of emotional or physiological state.
Physiological because the body needs some "fuel": protein, glucose, minerals, vitamins and salt - the basis of the diet to keep the body healthy. Education begins with the mind food: eat what is good and not really eat per pulse. Many people think that eating nutritiously is eat without pleasure. There are several dishes that can be nutritious and delicious simply know how to use the ingredients. But in a way human beings eat more for the emotional state that physiological needs. Emotional state that is influenced by the appearance of the food, smell, taste, ease of production, color, format etc..
2) How to achieve a better life? Search, desire, willpower and optimism. The more information a person has to be observant and have the fixed idea that really want to life itself, is seeking ways to play and be held, have charisma and broad audience of friends and acquaintances. This is the way to achieve what you want. See the needs of people of the region, how and where to obtain products that can meet local needs. Also are the first steps for entrepreneurship.
3) loving relationships. Any relationship needs forgiveness, understanding, trust, respect, complicity, agreements, patience. Excessive jealousy, bigotry, arrogance, emotional immaturity, unilateral thinking, anger. None of this is to help the relationship. Everyone must understand that any person is liable to make mistakes. What wrong can never be crucified. The stubborn only has a qualification: Intolerance is a sign of fear. Fear of being wrong and not knowing how to behave in front of another person. There is the fear to feel submissive to another person.
4) Speak little life of other people.
5) Count only the necessary of life itself.
6) When there is a better attitude intrigues not be involved. Loss of time is when it leaves taken by intrigue, while the tasks themselves are forgotten and urgent.
7) Think about what you want. Study the possibilities of production. Self and faith.
8) Get away from people pessimistic: complain that life is difficult and do nothing to improve it. Difficulties have always existed since the days of the first civilizations. Who is left to take the pessimism gives more reason to the failure of the search of his own victory.